Blog Posts by George Walker

Working to Plans… or not.

A wise woman once said, "Plans take all the fun out and make it seem like work". Eight years ago I stopped using plans. My idea was to…

Morning Sun, front and back

Morning sunlight streamed through the back kitchen door and something about the light gave me pause to look more carefully at the design of the door itself. An…

Da Vinci’s Teacher

This short video clip is a sample of what Jim Tolpin and I are putting together for our soon to be released on-line design workshop. This is one…

If Doors could Talk

I’ve been thinking a lot about doors for an upcoming “Design Matters” column for Popular Woodworking Magazine. A good door design satisfies our demands for function as well…

Leave Your Tape Measure at the Jail

At one time to my way of thinking, the idea of working without rulers would have been right up there with a plaid colored sky or steak flavored…

Euclid wearing work boots

Jim Tolpin and I both entered into this "Language of the Artisans" through different side doors. We each wandered about in amazement before we even realized the enormity…


Making a Rudder for a Ship of  War, by W. H. Pyne 1803   By the look on their faces, the folks at Braxton Brewery were not prepared to…

Welcome to the Topsy-Turvy Woodshop

Normally I can reach for my jackplane or favorite tenon saw with my eyes shut. Most of my tools have a well worn patina, but each is sharp…

Just the Tip of the Iceberg !

              Jim Tolpin smiled at me and exclaimed, “Just the Tip of the Iceberg” to describe our excitement as we first began…