Blog Posts by Jim Tolpin

Not all Dimensions Have or Need Numbers
Unless I'm setting up a machine, I rarely go to numerical dimensions to set up cutlines. Instead, I either hold the stock directly to the required "magnitude" as…

Libella vs. Laser
Been thinking about the Libella lately...the ancient leveling tool. Would it be as accurate as today's laser levels? No, probably not. The precision of the laser would…

Special Plane from Across the Room
A visit to a retired shop teacher/avid boatbuilder locally yielded a look at this plane. I knew from across the room that there was something special about…

Thanks Theodorus
Theodorus of Samos of a very long time ago in the golden age of the Grecian Geometers: Where would we be without you? Historians attribute him with the…

Let the Log do the Talking
Here's my take on what to call the different lumber grading by end grain configuration. In my opinion, I say let the wood and the geometry provide the…

Best Joint in the Joint
It’s all about the joint. The best joint in the joint (or at least in the furniture piece you are building) is the joint that will…

Ex Nihilo
The ancient “geometers” believed that geometry was the key to comprehending the incomprehensible; that an understanding of its inherent truths was the key to unlocking the mystery of…

The Ellipse Stick Trick
Here's a really quick way to layout a good-enough ellipse using just a batten: Ellipse from a Batten from Jim Tolpin on Vimeo.