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Let the Log do the Talking
Here's my take on what to call the different lumber grading by end grain configuration. In my opinion, I say let the wood and the geometry provide the…

Da Vinci’s Teacher
This short video clip is a sample of what Jim Tolpin and I are putting together for our soon to be released on-line design workshop. This is one…

If a Tree Falls in the Woods…
...does it make a difference? Where it lands that is. If it does, you likely want to know how far it will fall in order to move…

Biblical Furniture Plan
“They shall construct an ark of acacia wood two and a half cubits long, and one and a half cubits wide, and one and a half cubits…

Leave Your Tape Measure at the Jail
At one time to my way of thinking, the idea of working without rulers would have been right up there with a plaid colored sky or steak flavored…

Euclid wearing work boots
Jim Tolpin and I both entered into this "Language of the Artisans" through different side doors. We each wandered about in amazement before we even realized the enormity…

The Tricky Triplet
If you think back to your days in what used to be called “Grammar School”, you may remember old Mr. Hammersmacker (or was it Miss Hellena Handbasket?) droning…

The Power of Geo-Metron
Or what we call earth-measure today: Geometry. This was man’s most ancient field of study leading to an understanding of the primary structure--dare we say truth--of the patterns…

Step Stool Redux
The Humble Step Stool strikes again (or here's what woke me up at 4am this morning): The sequence of ratios embedded in my well-worn step stool project examples…