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Let the Log do the Talking

Here's my take on what to call the different lumber grading by end grain configuration.  In my opinion, I say let the wood and the geometry provide the…

Ex Nihilo

The ancient “geometers” believed that geometry was the key to comprehending the incomprehensible; that an understanding of its inherent truths was the key to unlocking the mystery of…

The Truth About Planes

The truth about planes from Jim Tolpin on Vimeo.

Height by Hand and Eye

  An astute follower on Instagram mentioned that an old-school forester could easily get the height of a tree using only a stick the length of his arm.…


Making a Rudder for a Ship of  War, by W. H. Pyne 1803   By the look on their faces, the folks at Braxton Brewery were not prepared to…

Be There AND Be Square!

The following sequence of steps show how to use simple geometry to create a right angle along the edge of a board--demonstrating that you don't need a square…

Welcome to the Topsy-Turvy Woodshop

Normally I can reach for my jackplane or favorite tenon saw with my eyes shut. Most of my tools have a well worn patina, but each is sharp…

Addendum to Post “Geometry Vs Algebra Smack down”

An attentive reader asked: “What if you wanted to lay out the centers of the slats instead of their edges”. A great question as it is actually often…